Chapter Book #1: War of the Worlds | Scholastic: Children Book Publishing

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0-7 Little Scholastic

Tra-la-laaa! Captain Underpants is back in an all-new epic adventure that's the zaniest, funniest, outrageousest, and time-travelingiest yet!
An evil professor was threatening New Mouse City with his terrible inventions. The authorities called upon me, Geronimo Stilton.

7-14 Tweens

Twelve-year-old Madhu's laptop houses a ghost. She keeps this secret- after all, who would believe her if she told them?

Marko and Miranda are home alone after their parents and grandfather's disappearance when two strangers give them a mysterious letter.

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The Young Adult category is unique as the audience it caters to is caught between two worlds—one of children and the other of adults, so it spans the age group of 12 to 18 years and sometimes even beyond up to 25 years of age.

Chapter Book #1: War of the Worlds

Chapter Book #1: War of the Worlds
The aliens have finally invaded and it’s up to Ben to save the earth.
3 - 7

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